Monday, February 4, 2013

CHP Academy Day 183/187, Week 27... The Count Down Begins!

Monday of Week 27!  It did not go according to the plan...not a surprise.  Just means I have more to do tomorrow.  I needed to take the car in to get a SMOG check.  I thought it would be a fast and easy thing, but I was wrong.  Try #1-Brian had taken it over the weekend but the place was closed for the weekend.  Try #2- I drove over at about 9:30 and saw that there was a sign taped to the window that said they would open at 10:00.  I thought "no big deal, I will wait".  I watched a lot of people come and go.  At about 9:55, M (who was getting very antsy) and I got out and walked around.  A man walked up tried the door, pulled out his phone and called the number on the window.  He turned to me and said "the owner said he is about an hour away. He is stuck in traffic".  Fine, I will go home, wash some dishes, do some laundry then come back.  I get home and the sprinkler guys are in the front yard and informed me that the water was turned off.  Okay so no dishes or laundry, fine, I will work on other stuff.  Try #3- At about 11:15 I drove back over to the SMOG Check place...still not open.  Again I wait, and again I watch people come and go.  And again a person calls the number.  (Is that a small town thing?  The place is not open so you call to see why they are not open?)  Again the person tell me that "the owner is stuck in traffic, he is an hour away".   Really?!  Is "traffic" code for "I over did it during the Superbowl"?  Try #4 was a success!  I went after I picked up A and H from school. 

I am excited for tomorrow!  Even if my list is a mile long.  :)  It is a large possibility that I will get to see Brian after I get to Sacramento!  He had liberty tonight and thinks he will again tomorrow night.  Yay!  To add a little frosting to the cake I also get to get a mani/pedi tomorrow thanks to my awesome mother-in-law.  I might have to pay for M to get her nails done too, since she is going with me.  Maybe I will be able to talk her out of it.  ;)

Tomorrow is the start of all the week activities.  The rest of the week should fly by at lightening speed!  :) I should probably start packing now...I guess I will call it a night.    


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