- Got the girls up and dressed on time! :)
- Dropped H of at school. A still had to stay home, even though she was completely fine. 24 hour rule for throwing up.
- Met my BFF and a few other friends for a walk at the park. M was in the stroller and A walked with us. Afterwards, A and M played on the playground.
- Went home, did a few chores around the house. Made lunch for the girls and got them to bed for "naps". Neither one actually slept, and somehow their room became even more of a mess.
- While they were "napping" I mowed the back yard. FYI, we have a push mower. Not gas, not electric, but good old fashion push. Like one step up from a sickle. When we first got the mower the academy was still a while out and Brian was the one who would be using the mower. Since I wouldn't be using it, I said he could get whatever he wanted. Brian is even cheaper than me, hence the push mower. Oh, and I have been putting this job off for a while, so it was SUPER fun! I followed it up with the weed whacker, which, thankfully, is not from the stone age. ;) I am pretty sure I will be sore tomorrow.
- Then after a quick shower, we were off to get H from school. Then we all headed for The Dollar General store for milk and bananas. That store is dangerous! "But Mommy it is only a $1.50!" "Mommy can you buy it for me?" "We should buy more silly string so we can play with Daddy this weekend!" I gave in on that last one...
- When we finally got home:
- I did a load of laundry (had to wash the clothes that A borrowed from the school).
- Had A practice her spelling words and H practice writing her name.
- Put weed and feed on the lawn and watered it.
- Washed dishes.
- Made lunches for tomorrow.
- Made dinner. By request: PB&J s with veggie sticks. Yep, Rocked that dinner! Was going to make something else...but the girls made a good argument. They really wanted PB&J s!
- Gave H and M baths.
- Got all three girls in bed with no fighting!
- Got to talk to Brian! He is doing good. He had Physical Method of Arrest (PMA) today. He said it was fun but also very stressful, but what isn't stressful about the academy? It was fun because there was a lot of punching and kicking. Stressful because there is always someone in your face yelling. He said there was also a lot of knuckle push-ups. Anytime anyone messes up, which happens a lot, there is a punishment for the whole group. Knuckle push-ups are always a favorite. That is how it is in all things at the academy, stressful. If you are running and someone falls behind, push-ups! If you don't follow a simple procedure, punishment! Everything is done for a reason at the academy. Brian knows this and it helps get him through it. Everything will make him better at his job as an officer.
- We get to see Brian tomorrow! Well not A. My mother-in-law is taking her to soccer practice for me. She missed practice last Wed to see Brian, and then she had to miss yesterday's because of her stomach issues. So Brian and I agreed she needed to go to practice. I thought she might be upset, but she was super excited to get special time with Brian's mom.
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