Sunday, August 5, 2012


Let me start off by saying, that I am in no way a writer. This is my first and only blog! So please excuse any mistakes. I am sure there will be plenty.

My name is Cara. I have been married for over 12 years to my husband Brian. We have three beautiful daughters - lets call them A , H, and M- ages 7, 5, & 3. We live in the central valley with our two dogs (Hans and Daisy), cat (Kitty- yeah I know, really original), and rat (Ms. Chez N Crackers). I am very much blessed with a wonderful family and awesome friends!

My reason for writing this blog is that as of 7:30am tomorrow morning my husband will be a cadet in the California Highway Patrol (CHP) Academy. Twenty seven weeks of training, also know as twenty seven weeks of H-E-Double hockey sticks. :) When my husband got the invitation to the academy we were hungry for info. (FYI- we have been waiting 3 years for the invite.) We invited friends over who have already been through the process, and knew what to expect. They were extremely helpful and we are still very grateful, but I still went in search of others. I found blogs from wives of cadets and started reading.  Most of them were not very encouraging and I started to freak out a little- or a lot. Then I found one that was so encouraging and positive, but also truthful ( So I thought maybe I can help out someone too. The funny thing is my friend asked if I was going to write a blog about our experiences and my answer was "Um...NO. I am not a writer." But here I am, just typing away... I haven't yet decided how often I will write, so I guess it will be a the spirit moves me. :) Or I feel like venting...

So that is it, really. This blog will be basically my diary- that anybody in the world can read. Well, all except the hubby, he has been forbidden to read this until after the 27 weeks of fun are over. Have to make him think everything is magical at home. :)

Well, I need to go. I have some early birds who get cranky if I make them wait for breakfast. :)



  1. Yay yay yay! I'm glad you're writing!
    We miss y'all l,Ike crazy, so this is perfect to keep up with you!
    I'll be praying for you, Brian and your little people.

  2. Thanks Danielle! Miss you too!

  3. I just wanted to let you know that your blog is helping people! My fiancé should be long to the academy in 3 weeks and I am a bit of a basket case lol but I am looking forward to reading your whole blog and having some kind of understanding what to expect so thank you for writing this!

    1. Thank you Jenn! How was the first day? If you are on FB, get connected. There should be a CTC II-13 group. Trust me it is very helpful. :) Everything is going to be okay! Sending prayers your way!
