Brian passed high speed!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK THE LORD!! WOO-HOO! Such a relief! Can you tell? :) Thank you to everyone who said a prayer and sent encouraging words.
Besides being awesome and passing high speed, Brian had a full day. They had a couple of guest speakers that came and spoke to the cadets. Brian said both were very interesting. Then Brian explained how he got a few new bruises. Would like to tell you how, but I didn't get that cleared. He found out that the class he was supposed to have Saturday 1-5 pm was moved to 8 am-12 pm. Which means he will be home earlier! :) Still nothing on the dream sheets, except that they are not ready yet. :)
Besides praying a million times, I also had a pretty busy day. A good thing when you are trying not to think about something. I got the the girls to school on time! (We were running a little late this morning because I almost forgot to put dinner in the crock-pot.) Then M and I headed over to the church for growth group. Today was the last day of the semester and that means party! There was a ton of delicious food, Christmas music, communion, good conversation, and even a gift exchange. I received a very cute travel mug! I needed a cute travel mug. The one I usually use was free from the dentist office. Not cute. :) After group, I took M to my mom's and went to the pregnancy center. I was pretty busy today at the center so time went by pretty fast. I didn't have time to stress out over high speed. Once I left the center time slowed down. I cleaned the kitchen, made cookie dough, put dinner on the table, and cleaned the kitchen again. I was just about to start rolling out the cookie dough when Brian called.
The girls were actually pretty good today! Minimal fighting. It was nice. They were pretty excited when Brian called and said he had passed. Well, A and H were excited, M only jumped up and down because her sisters were jumping. :)
Well the cookies are done, boxed up, and ready to be delivered, so now I can go to bed. I am pooped. Thank you again for all the prayers, love, and support!
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