Monday, December 17, 2012

CHP Academy Days 130-134/187, Tragedy and Blessings

Like most of you my heart was broken Friday.  I sat at home Friday morning sobbing and fighting the urge to grab my keys and drive straight to the school to get my girls.  As it was, they had a minimum day and I was still there 45 minutes early.  I was not the only parent to get there early. I was not the only one who asked the people in the office about what is being done to keep our children safe.  I was definitely not the only one who was holding on to their children extra tight.

I sat at home and watched the news, where it was repeatedly said that there can not be an armed guard at every school.  But that schools are targeted because they are unprotected.  I am not one to push my political views on to others and I am not looking for a debate, but I will say this:  Why?  Why can't we have a trained professional stand watch over our innocent children and their teachers?  A sheepdog watching over the sheep.  Would we send our children to a school that did not have fire sprinklers or fire alarms?  No, because what if there is a fire?  Sadly, bad guys are bad guys.  Evil is obviously out there.  And they don't care about what rules and laws we make.  I want to be clear and say that I am not saying that we should give teachers guns.  I just don't want our schools to be unprotected.  My rant is done now.

We decided to share with our girls about the shooting.  They would have heard about it anyways, and we felt it was important that they heard it from us.  We explained that there is evil in the world, but that does not mean God has forsaken us.  That is why we have a savior and one day all will be made right.  We prayed for each of the victims (now in Heaven) and for the loved ones left behind.  We prayed for all those who survived, for all those on the scene, those who helped.  All whose lives will be forever changed.  We prayed for those brave people who risk their own lives everyday to keep us safe.  "Like Daddy when he is done with school," said A.  The girls handled everything pretty well.  They understood that their school leaders are doing their best to keep them safe.  And no matter what God is in control, even when we cannot understand and are heart broken. 

At the Academy, week 20 is under way.  Today Brian had three out of the nine scenarios.  He is pretty sure he passed all three.  It is not all good news at the academy.  Last week they lost ten cadets!  Today they lost at least one, and he was the husband of my friend.  I met her at the orientation and have kept in contact with her since.  We have prayed and cheered for each other since the beginning.  I am saddened that he will not be graduating in February.  When we started this I had no idea that I would be so anxious to see the other cadets do well.      

Sometimes it is easy to forget what blessings God has given.  Tonight I am listing off my blessings again.  I have my three beautiful talented girls that can make me want to pull my hair out, but also make my heart smile with joy.  All of them are happy and healthy.  At some point tonight one of them will get in bed with me and hog my pillow, but I am okay with that.  I also have an awesome husband who puts up with me and loves me.  He is hard working, God fearing, faithful, extremely smart, he makes me laugh, he is my best friend, and he is pretty darn good looking (bonus!).  I grew up in a crazy but loving family that never say good-bye without a kiss, a hug, and an "I love you."  I married into a great family and now have a great extended family.  I have friends that are more like family and are real true friends.  The biggest blessing I have is HOPE.  No matter how crazy this world gets, I know where I will be when it is all said and done. To sum it up Love, Joy, and Hope are pretty good blessings.


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