Monday, December 10, 2012

CHP Academy Days 124-127/187; A Short Weekend

So this weekend was another short one.  Brian came home Saturday afternoon and left early Sunday evening.  I know we are lucky to see him for even that short amount time.  There are a lot of families that have not seen their cadet since Thanksgiving.  This coming weekend will not be any better.  He doesn't have class, but he will getting ready for scenarios and needs to be at the academy.  

While he was home this weekend, he wanted to show off some new moves he had learned.  The girls loved watching Daddy toss me around and beat up on me.  Hans; however, did not.  First, let me be clear:  Brian was not hurting me.  He was very careful.  Hans did not know this and was very upset. He growled at Brian!  Not the playful kind of growl, but the "I am warning you, back off" kind of growl.  He tried to keep Brian from getting close to me.  Needless to say he was happy when the demonstration was done.  The other thing that happened is H woke us up Sunday morning because she swallowed a dime sized ladybug necklace pendant.  She wanted to clean it...and the bathroom sink was not good enough.  So now we are on "ladybug-in-the-poo-watch".  Apparently, she did not think the lecture I gave M the day before applied to her. The lecture I gave her about NOT putting objects into the holes in her head after she stuck a bead up her nose.  So that was our weekend.

Today was pretty uneventful.  Dropped the girls off, went to the post office, then I tried to get some work done at home.  I did not get much accomplished since M was being so rambunctious, so I gave up and decided to talk a walk instead.  I made M walk most of the way since she had so much energy and the stroller had another flat.  It ended up being more then 1.5 miles, but she took a great nap afterwards!  I went all pampered chef today and made M a small batch of homemade (healthy) potato chips to go with her lunch, and she actually liked them!   So that was my day.

Brian's day at the academy was a long one.  He didn't get back to his room until after 10:30.  He sounded exhausted.  He had his first day of EVOC- Code 3 and passed.  They also had the Physical Fitness Test again.  He didn't make it back on the training table (Yay!) and he increased his score by eleven points!  They had their Wet Lab for DUI which means they had a bunch of drunk junior cadets walking around.  Company B also had the remediation for the pistol today, both of Brian's roommates passed!  Sadly, they did lose three cadets today.  The day ended with a night shoot, which is fun but makes for a long day.  Tomorrow is another long day for Brian.  One of his roommates is facing his last chance on high speed and could use some prayers.  Brian and his roommates have bonded, it would be extremely hard on them if one failed out.  All the cadets, and their loved ones, could use a boatload of prayers.  The next couple weeks are full of very stressful, do or die, situations. 

Tomorrow I am taking M to MOPs.  :)  Our MOPs group is collecting toys for CHiPs for Kids.  :)  Brian took a toy to the academy this week and now I get to take a toy!  I might make a trip to Hallmark to pick up an item I won.  That's right! I won something!  Now I cannot say I NEVER win anything.  I am a loser no more!  It is slightly creepy Santa thing, but it still counts as winning.  The girls will love it, and that makes me happy.  Now it is time for lights out.


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