Thursday, January 31, 2013

CHP Academy Days 177-179/187

One week from tomorrow!  :)

Things at the academy are still rolling.  Classes have started and ended this week.  The graduation ceremony has been practiced.  PT has been tough.  This morning Brian and the rest of his company were late to training because of a "miscommunication".  Then after the cadets had finished wrestling around and beating each other up, two cadets were diagnosed with pink eye.  Pink eye, to me, is a lot like lice.  When someone mentions lice my head starts to itch and I get the jibblies.  When pink eye is mentioned my eyes start to itch and I get the jibblies.  So yeah, now two cadets are quarantined and all the rest of the company are watching for symptoms.  Wouldn't that be great, to have a bunch of cadets with pink eye for graduation?  The senior cadets were also given senior privileges, which means they can play pool and basket ball if they have the time.  It also means extra nights of liberty, not that there are many nights left.  Tomorrow Brian has his last day of PT! 

At home the girls have been driving me bananas!  The fighting, bickering, whining, teasing and talking back is getting old.  Not to mention, the number of times I have been woken up at night.  Night before last they took turns every hour.  It could be just me, but I swear it has been worse this week.  At least their room is cleaner than it was last week.  A did say something sweet today.  She told someone I should not have to clean up something because I already do everything for them at home.  I think it came from the talk Daddy gave her last night after dinner about her attitude.  It was nice not to be the one who was giving the talk.    

This week has been dragging!  I am happy tomorrow is Friday and Brian is coming home for the weekend.  Next week still seems far away.   One more week...  :)


Monday, January 28, 2013

CHP Academy Days 174-176/187

Hello everybody!  So Saturday Brian had the fun experience of CS gas.  He said it was like drowning while being on fire.  So I guess the moral of the story is, do not get involved in a riot, or any situation where CS gas will be used.  It will not be fun for you.  His company actually had an extra strong dose of the gas because they had a few cans that were about to expire.  The instructors and the cadets with military back ground agreed that it was worst experience they have had with CS gas.  So, yeah, it was bad.  Brian did it though and I am so proud of him.  When he came home Saturday evening, it was like he was actually home.  He was not distracted or stressed.  It was nice to have him HOME.

Saturday for the girls and myself was fun.  The girls and I went to the mall to finish my shopping.  Mission Completion!  We went into all the stores that little girls love.  A spent her own money and bought herself sunglasses, and a little bag of stuff at the Sanrio (Hello Kitty) store.  H only had a dollar to work with, so she bought herself a Hello Kitty pencil.  Made her happy!  I also spoiled my girls a little.  Everyone got new shoes!  (Trust me, they needed them!)  I also bought A and M new earrings and -since she refused earrings- H a new butterfly bracelet.  It was a nice Mommy & Daughters Day!  I was ready for a nap by the time we got home.  :)

Sunday, we got to attend church, another sign that Brian was more relaxed.  After church, Brian did our taxes and helped around the house.  I am telling you guys, he was a different cadet this weekend!  He headed back to the academy much later than usual with his hair slightly longer on top than usual.

Today, was not so great for me.  The Check Engine light came on in our main mode transportation.  (Stupid Check Engine Light!)  A very annoying and stressful situation.  So I dropped off the girls at school.  Then I drove to the gym, and while waiting for my BFF, I called and made an appointment to take the car into the shop.  It would seem like I was on top of things, like I had my stuff together, but no I totally was dropping the ball.  I totally failed today, a big fat "F"!  Here is why: at 9:30 this morning I was supposed to meet with H's speech teacher.  While I dealing with the car stuff (stupid check engine light) the appointment just got forgotten.  I remembered around 10:00.  I had that "OMG!" moment.  I did call the office and rescheduled while apologizing profusely.  I cannot believe I missed an appointment.  It is a good thing the academy is almost over, I swear I am losing my intelligence.  I.Q. is dropping.  :)  The problem with the car was the spark plugs, all of them.  Apparently they were the originals, the ones that should have been replaced before we even bought the car.  Not only the spark plugs, but the wiring around the spark plugs.  It could have been worse, but I was really hoping it was just the gas cap.  The whole day was not bad, I did get to spend some time with my BFF, both at the gym then for coffee.

Today at the academy, Brian spent most of his day in class and doing paper work.  They also had a small review on vehicle code to refresh them.  Brian said he got back his report from his report writing class.  He got a 93 on it!  They also found out that there was money left over in the cadet party fund.  (The cadets paid extra dues every month to pay for their party.)  The extra money is going towards buying each cadet a flat badge to carry in their wallets.  Plus they are also making a donation to the Officer Kenyon Youngstrom fund to help his family.  I am happy with the way they are using the extra money.

 Tomorrow I will be playing catch up.  I had a long to do list today that did not get done since I was not able to come home.  Hopefully I will have no more surprises!  Unless the surprise is good, of course.  :)  Like Starbucks being delivered to my door...or something... ;)


Friday, January 25, 2013

CHP Academy Days 170-173/187, Two weeks from today!!!

Two weeks from today, God willing, I will pin Brian's badge on his uniform.  :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)  
I am 100% sure I will need water proof mascara. ;)

The last week has been crazy full at home!  Here are the highlights:
1) Parent teacher conferences:  So proud of my girls!  It always feels good when other people praise your children.  :)  Both girls are doing well!  A is moving right along and improving.  H has already completed (sometimes exceeded) the Kindergarten standards.  P/T conferences mean minimum days, and minimum days mean normal schedule is thrown out the window. 

2)  Ordered the cake for Brian's Graduation party.  Not only is it going to be delicious, but it is going to look awesome!  It is going to be decked out in CHP stuff! 

3)  We had no internet Wednesday and Thursday.  Wednesday it was an area outage so there was nothing I could do, but I did get it fixed Thursday!  It is a good thing that I can multitask since I was on hold for awhile.  The plus side of the internet outage, I got a lot of sleep Wednesday night because I got bored and there was nothing good on television.  :)

4)  Thursday was a very busy day.  M and I went to the gym, then we babysat for a friend.  Well M played, I babysat.  The children were great!  M had a blast!  Then I had the Pregnancy Center while the girls went to my mom's house.  The day ended with movie night! 

5)  Today we met my mother in law for lunch.  Then she took the girls so I could meet with H's teacher.  After the meeting I went out shopping for clothes and bought my outfit for the Graduation!

At the Academy Brian finished up his emergency medical response training.  He passed both his written and practical test. Today he got his badge number!  Very exciting!!  He ranked #6 in his class overall.  Not bad since there are 87 cadets.   He also found out that he got 99.5/100 on his Investigation for grade- the big eight hour test.  So proud of him!!  He came home tonight -yes I am ignoring him right now to write this- but he is heading back up to the academy early tomorrow.  Tomorrow is the day he gets to experience CS gas (tear gas).  Yay him! 

Well I guess I should pay attention to my awesome husband now while I have him at home.  :)


Monday, January 21, 2013

CHP Academy Day 169/187, Holy Cow it was a Busy Day!

What a day!  The girls had the day off, but still woke up at the first hint of the sun rising.  Around seven I was woken up and handed a note that read "please make us breakfast now".  I guess I should be happy they said "please".  So I got up, mostly because a three year old, a five year old, and a seven year old do not come with a snooze button.  Once everyone was dressed and fed I took the girls to my mom's and headed to the gym.  You know you have had a good work out when your phone feels like a ten pound weight that you cannot lift without your arms shaking. :)  After the gym, I had a parent teacher conference with A's teacher.  I felt bad for going stinky, but the list of things to do was just beginning.  After the conference it was back to my mom's to get the girl then it was home again.  Once home I fed the girls lunch, made sure everyone used the potty, and loaded them back up in the car.  We drove down to visit my friend at Hallmark.  On the way we stopped at the party store to pick party supplies for Brian's graduation party!  :)  Just in case you missed it... graduation party decorations =  :)!  At Hallmark I got to visit and pick up Valentines day cards.  Then we ran over to Micheal's to pick up stuff for the baby shower, then it was finally time to go home!  Once home it was time to make dinner while helping A finish up her Twenty Book Challenge that is due tomorrow. 

Today at the Academy, Brian spent his day in emergency response class.  So far he has learned how to make a splint and how to treat a chest wound.  He also had his written CPR test today.  Tomorrow should be about the same.  Not much to write about.  :)

It came up again today about how I am going to deal with worrying for Brian's safety once he is out on the road.  It is a good question.  In all honesty, I am a natural born worry wart.  I worry about anything and everything.  I even worry about worrying.  I know it is a sin, but I struggle with it.  In the last 12.5 years of marriage I don't think there has been a day where I have not told Brian to be safe and then said a prayer for him.  I do the same for my girls.  I always say "I love you.  Have a good day.  Be good and be safe."  I leave the good part out for Brian, I just assume he will be good.  :)  At the beginning of this journey I was sure I was going to have a stroke because of worrying once he was out on the road.  It is no secret that there have been days during this experience that I was worried about Brian making it through the academy.  So it seems a little unnatural for me to say I am not freaking out with worry.  Will I be praying for my husband every single day? Yes of course!  I am not stupid!  I know that God is in control, he has a plan, and he loves us.  I also know the academy has prepared Brian for his career.  The training he has received is the best and he is not even done yet!  I have to have faith that God and the training will keep him safe.  Being in a constant state of fear is no way to live.  It gives you gray hairs...ulcers...and wrinkles.  Besides God does not want that for us.   

Well tomorrow M and I have MOPs, plus I am hoping to get to the bakery to order the cake for the graduation party.  Again, graduation party = :)!!!!!! Still amazed we are almost done!


Sunday, January 20, 2013

CHP Academy Days 163-168/187, Week 25!

Tomorrow is day number one of week 25!  Week 25/27!  As M would say: "Wicka Wicka What!" 

This last week was busy, but full of yucky illness.  Poor M woke up one morning, climbed into bed with me and then threw up.  It did not last long, but then I started to feel under the weather.  No fun, but I hope it is done now.  Friday night we got a surprise when Brian came home!  Which was awesome!  You know the academy experience is stressful when your husband calls you early on a Friday afternoon and you answer the phone "Is everything okay?  Why are you calling me this early?" while you try and remember what exactly was on the agenda for the day.  :)  Of course it was nothing, his classes just ended early. 

This last week at the academy Brian had his last PMA class where they emptied out the knuckle push-up bank, a grand total of 200 knuckle push-ups.  In Brian's Unusual Occurrence class, he got to teach the section on air craft crashes.  He got to tell his story about his helicopter crash, and apparently he was a big hit.  The cadets started their emergency response class this week, and Brian got certified in CPR.   Busy week!

Saturday morning did not start off on the best note.  The toilet flooded.  Pretty sure someone flushed a toy, and I am pretty sure I know who.  It was a huge mess, and I had to get creative to clean it up.  In the afternoon A had a birthday party at Build-A-Bear Workshop so the rest of us walked around the mall killing time.  I did some shopping for clothes to wear graduation week, since I am running out of time. (Yay!)  Ended up procrastinating a little longer!  :) After the party we went out to Applebees as a family to use up some gift cards.  The girls had a blast!  Daddy even let them have dessert!  :)  Brian spent some time this weekend decorating his PT shirts to represent San Jose.  He also got to watch the 49ers work their way into the Super Bowl!  Besides the toilet, the weekend was great! 

This week Brian continues with his emergency response class, at some he will learn how to deliver a baby.  He also get to experience tear gas on Saturday, not something he is excited about.  At home we have parent teacher conferences and I am starting work on decorations for a baby shower.  I can almost guaranty that it will be busy week.  :) 

Well it is time to call it a night.

Monday, January 14, 2013

CHP Academy Days 159-162/187, Week 24!!!!!

WEEK 24!!! This time twenty-four weeks ago I was terrified and overwhelmed!  Unsure we would ever get this far.  Today I sent out Evites for Brian's graduation party!  Totally confident that I will be pinning a badge on Brian in a few short weeks.  Amazing!  :)

So Friday, Brian had his eight hour Accident Investigation test.  According to him, he nailed it!  He will find out officially that he nailed it sometime during the next week.  Friday night, I dropped off the girls, drove up to Sacramento and had dinner with Brian, some of his fellow cadets and their wives.  We had so much fun!  It was fun to meet the other women in person, to put a face and voice to the names I see on Facebook.  Plus, it was fun to see Brian with his cadet friends.  Since Brian came home with me Friday night and needed to be back at the academy early Saturday morning, we had to get up and leave the house by 5:00am.  It was definitely a Starbucks morning!  It was worth it though!  Sunday was just a quiet day at home, so nice!  The only down side of Sunday, (besides the Sunday night good-bye) was the color crayon that was in the laundry load of the girl's school uniforms.  A blue crayon....GRRRR!  I was able to save most of the clothes.  I will have to replace some, and some of the shirts can only be worn under the jumpers now.  I am pretty sure who it was that had the color crayon in her pocket, but I am also sure she doesn't remember putting the color crayon in her pocket.  :)  So all three girls got the "no color crayons in the pockets/hamper/ anywhere other than the color crayon box" lecture. 

Today was productive day!  I finished over half of my "To-Do" list, including the gym and grocery shopping.  The fact that I took all three girls to Walmart should earn me extra productive points.  I even pushed around the cart with three seat,  AKA the bus cart. I choose the bus cart because H twisted her ankle (something that happens about every other day) in P.E. and was milking it for all it was worth.  Funny how her limp kept disappearing or switching sides.

Brian's day was pretty mellow.  They were told how many tickets they are supposed to be getting for graduation.  :)  They also had a class in probation and parole.  They were supposed to have a guy who was on probation come and speak to them, but he was not able to come since he was arrested today.  :(  Sad really.  Again the day was pretty mellow.  

Well now that The Biggest Loser is over, (yes, I am one of those nerds who watch the show) I can go to bed.  Good night everyone!


Friday, January 11, 2013

CHP Academy Day 158/187, A Long but Good Day.

Today was a full day.  After dropping of A and H at school, M and I met up with my BFF at the gym.  At the gym my BFF and I kicked our own tushies.  :)  I might be feeling it tomorrow.  After the gym M and I rushed home so I could make myself not stinky, then it was off to the PHC.  The highlight of the day was getting to take all three girls to the dentist office for their cleanings.  I have to say I was so proud of them.  Six months ago I took all three and cried on the way home.  A behaved so badly and I was SO embarrassed!  I lectured her all the way home, while crying!  Today, although A was not perfect, she was so much better than last time.  She allowed them to take X-Rays, huge improvement!  H and  M just sucked it up and got the job done.  :)  I ended the night with my BFF and movie night!  A long day but over all a good day.

Brian also had a long but good day!  He passed all the parts of his PMA certification.  His uniform fit and is hanging in his locker ready for graduation.  He did well out in EVOC, and had fun learning something new.  He also got a 100% on his drug test.  Tomorrow is going to be a very long day for him.  They have their eight hour accident investigation test.  A big deal.  I have no doubt that Brian will do well, but please remember him, and his fellow cadets, in your prayers.

Tomorrow night I am driving up to have dinner with Brian, some of the cadets, and the cadet's better halves.  I am excited to meet some of the women I have "talking" to on Facebook.  Honestly, I am also a little nervous to meet new people. (I don't always give the best first impression.)  Mostly I am excited.  I am sure we will have fun!  Brian is coming home with me tomorrow night, but has to back up to the academy Saturday morning for the community service project.  Still...I get to see Brian tomorrow night!  And we are having a grown up dinner!

Alright, I need to go to bed.  I am meeting my BFF again at the gym for another tushy kicking.


Thursday, January 10, 2013

CHP Academy Days 155-157/187

The last few days have actually been pretty quiet here at home.  A and H are loving being back at school.  Monday morning was a little rough getting them up and out the door on time, but they are were so happy to see their friends again!  M has been attached to my hip and loving the undivided attention.  She is also loving her "new, new school" AKA the kids care at the gym.  (Her "old school" is the child care during growth group.  Her "new school" is MOPS.)  Everyday when I pick her up she informs me that 1) she did not talk to anyone; 2) whether or not there was someone new; 3) every single detail of what she did from the moment I dropped her off to the second she sees me and yells "Mommy!".  I only understand about half of what she says, but she is pretty stinkin' cute!

Tomorrow at the academy Brian has a very busy day.  He has his PMA test and his written drug test.  (Test about drugs, not for drugs. Just thought I would clarify.)  He also gets to go out to EVOC to learn a new maneuver.  At some point during the day there is a meeting planned where the cadets will receive information for graduation.  To start off the day the cadets have their last uniform inspection.  Not the blue cadet uniforms...the tan uniforms!  They also will be taking the class picture!  Pretty exciting! 

On a sad note, four more cadets went home today. Bringing the class size down to eighty seven and leaving only one female remaining.  I feel for those cadets and their families, being so close to the end and then losing everything.  They can start over, but that would mean starting over from the beginning!  The academy experience is not easy, not for anyone involved.  The cadets sacrifice time, sleep, and even dignity.  Their whole lives are absorbed into the academy.  Even when they are home they are not really home.  They have homework like memos, reports, studying for test, laws to remember.  Then they have the mental side of things.  Brian would stare off into space and I would know that he was running through a scenario in his head.  The families sacrifice just as much.  Obviously, time with their cadets is short.  Things go undone.  All the everyday things fall onto the shoulders of the ones at home.  If the cadets have children, the kids go with out seeing their Daddy and wives become pseudo single moms.  Even watching TV is different.  Not joking. We have had a conversation that went like this:  Brian: "Those cops would not really do that. They need blah blah blah..." Me: "It is GRIMM.  It is about mythical creatures.  I don't think they care about how realistic the show is..."  Everything is different.  It is totally worth it, but it is not easy.  I have it easy compared to some.  The academy is close enough for Brian to come on the weekends, when he is allowed.  I have my loved ones who are eager to help and often do.  I don't work full time...well not outside the home.  I found a group of great women on Facebook who are wives/girlfriends of cadets and they ended up being a great support group.  Even though I have it easy, it is still very difficult.  Again, it is worth it!  I know Brian will have a job that he loves and can be proud of, but it has been a long & crazy journey. And it is not done yet!  So if you just happen to be one of the 22,000 people who just applied-or one of their loved ones- good luck!  You can do it!  Especially my little brother and sister-in-law, definitely praying for you!  ;) 

Well so much for just a quick short blog tonight.  Sorry for the rambling.  :)


Sunday, January 6, 2013

CHP Academy Days 150-154/187, Ride Along Weekend!

Look at the days... 150-154!  Holy ravioli Batman!  Almost there!!! Days 150-154 were busy days.  Wednesday I spent most of the day shopping with my mom.  Thursday the girls and I drove up to the foothills to visit our friends.  We had great time!  To top off Thursday, Brian got to come home Thursday night!  This weekend was ride along weekend and the cadets were given Friday off for travel.  Since Brian is going to San Jose and did not need to travel far, he just got Friday off.  Of course he spent it constructively, he had an accident report to work on along with other things.

Saturday was the big day...RIDE ALONG DAY!  When we first started this academy experience the ride along seemed SO far away.  It was one of those things I just did not think about about because it almost seemed impossible.  Now it is over and done with which is crazy!  I was pretty impatience to hear from Brian all day Saturday, but I had a lot on my plate to keep me occupied.  The girls, my mom, my sister, and I were going to meet Brian in San Mateo at my brother's house for our family Christmas and I still had stuff to make.  When I finally got to talk to him about his experience, I could tell that he was excited.  The first thing he said was: "They treated us like real people!  We were not just fat nasties or hammerheads."  He learned a lot about the office, he got to experience traffic stops, an accident, and a pedestrian on the freeway.  Tonight he said yesterday was like he got to step out into the light at the end of the tunnel and now, going back to the academy is like going back into the tunnel.  I reminded him the light is not far off and he still has things to learn that will make him a better officer.  So he needs to suck it up and get his cute little tushie back in that tunnel and finish it!  Of course, I said it in the most loving way.  :)

I spent a lot of time this weekend reading A CHiP on My Shoulder: How to Love Your Cop with Attitude by Victoria Newman.  It was recommended by some of the officer's wives.  I had Brian pick it up for me at the PX and I am glad I did.  Some of the topics covered, we have covered in growth groups in the past.  There were things covered that Brian and I have already learned in the twelve years we have been married.  There were a few topics covered that I had thought about, but had no clue how to handle them.  Then there were things she covered that I had never thought about.  I am glad I read the book.  I found if very helpful.  If nothing else, it gave Brian and myself a lot to talk about this weekend.

This week (week 23) Brian has a couple pretty big test.  On Thursday he has his PMA certification.  He has only two chances to pass everything.  He seems pretty confident that he will pass everything and but is still going to spend a lot of time practicing this week.  On Friday he has his Accident Investigation test.  An eight hour test!  Makes me tired just typing that!  :)  Again, he feels pretty confident, but I am still going to be praying like crazy.

Tomorrow the girls go back to school.  I know I am going to miss them, but I am so happy to have them going back.  I am not the only one who is excited, the girls cannot wait.  A and H want to see their friends, and M wants to return to the center of my attention.  :) Hopefully I can get us all out the door on time tomorrow!  Fingers crossed!


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

CHP Academy Day 149/187, A Day to Vent...

Happy New Years everyone!  Today was a day.  It started off at the gym, which was surprisingly empty.  I was sure the place was going to be packed with people with new year resolutions.  Maybe everyone was recovering from last night and the place will be packed tomorrow.  After the gym I gave the girls lunch, and got them in bed for "naps".  All three girls were in desperate need of a nap after staying up so late last night.  The problem is when they get really tired, they also get really rambunctious.  It was like trying to put three little monkeys to bed.  I ended up having to sit in the hall way so they would lay still long enough to fall asleep.  Once they were asleep I started in on my Christmas decorations.  Taking down the Christmas stuff is a bummer of a job.  The house just feels so much more dull and colder when the Christmas decorations are put away.  No more pretty lights and glittery stuff. I did it though!  Even with this annoying cold that I came down with over the weekend.  Now my house is all blah and boring looking. 

The highlight of the day was when Hans peed a gallon on my kitchen floor.  Hans is the good dog, usually.  I am not used to him being the bad dog.  Usually, when he needs to go out, he comes and nudges me while eying the door.  Sometimes he will even try and herd me to the door!  Not today!  NO, today it was straight to peeing a gallon on my floor.  (Count to ten and take deep breaths.)  Needless to say, I kicked him out.  At this very moment he is in the back yard howling along with the fire truck sirens.  Shortly after kicking Hans -and then Daisy- out, I went up stairs and guess what!  Kitty, the blind cat, missed the litter box and also left me something to clean up.  (Deep breath in...1, 2, 3...)  While up there I looked in on the girls, who were being very quiet, and there was M completely naked running around their room, which was destroyed.  Ugh!  (DEEP BREATHS!!! 1, 2, 3...!!!)  Why, you may ask, was M naked?  No idea, could not really get an answer to that question.  That girl is a wild card, you never know what to expect.

So by the time Brian called, I was just about to take up drinking as a hobby. :)  I gave up trying to make everything magical at home for Brian a long time ago.  Keeping things from him did not work for us.  He understands that when I vent, I am not asking him to fix it for me.  He just needs to listen, or pretend to listen, so I feel better.  For some reason Brian thinks I am way cooler than I am, so this arrangement works for us.  Usually when he calls I might mention one thing, if that, about the day I feel the need to complain about.  Not tonight.  Tonight it was "this happened, then that happened, then this happened and I. Don't. Feel. Good." (Yes, I know that I am somewhat of a whining drama queen when I am under the weather.)  His reaction was a simple "oh I am sorry honey".  Then he reminded me that he will be home Thursday night this week since he has his ride along on Saturday.  I feel better now, at least emotionally.  :)  Today for him was another quiet one.  He said he spent most of the day writing in classes.  They did not have PT today, the PT instructors had the morning off.  I am sure they will make up for it later this week.

So that is how the first day of 2013 went down.  Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.  Now I think it is time for bed. 
