Tuesday, January 1, 2013

CHP Academy Day 149/187, A Day to Vent...

Happy New Years everyone!  Today was a day.  It started off at the gym, which was surprisingly empty.  I was sure the place was going to be packed with people with new year resolutions.  Maybe everyone was recovering from last night and the place will be packed tomorrow.  After the gym I gave the girls lunch, and got them in bed for "naps".  All three girls were in desperate need of a nap after staying up so late last night.  The problem is when they get really tired, they also get really rambunctious.  It was like trying to put three little monkeys to bed.  I ended up having to sit in the hall way so they would lay still long enough to fall asleep.  Once they were asleep I started in on my Christmas decorations.  Taking down the Christmas stuff is a bummer of a job.  The house just feels so much more dull and colder when the Christmas decorations are put away.  No more pretty lights and glittery stuff. I did it though!  Even with this annoying cold that I came down with over the weekend.  Now my house is all blah and boring looking. 

The highlight of the day was when Hans peed a gallon on my kitchen floor.  Hans is the good dog, usually.  I am not used to him being the bad dog.  Usually, when he needs to go out, he comes and nudges me while eying the door.  Sometimes he will even try and herd me to the door!  Not today!  NO, today it was straight to peeing a gallon on my floor.  (Count to ten and take deep breaths.)  Needless to say, I kicked him out.  At this very moment he is in the back yard howling along with the fire truck sirens.  Shortly after kicking Hans -and then Daisy- out, I went up stairs and guess what!  Kitty, the blind cat, missed the litter box and also left me something to clean up.  (Deep breath in...1, 2, 3...)  While up there I looked in on the girls, who were being very quiet, and there was M completely naked running around their room, which was destroyed.  Ugh!  (DEEP BREATHS!!! 1, 2, 3...!!!)  Why, you may ask, was M naked?  No idea, could not really get an answer to that question.  That girl is a wild card, you never know what to expect.

So by the time Brian called, I was just about to take up drinking as a hobby. :)  I gave up trying to make everything magical at home for Brian a long time ago.  Keeping things from him did not work for us.  He understands that when I vent, I am not asking him to fix it for me.  He just needs to listen, or pretend to listen, so I feel better.  For some reason Brian thinks I am way cooler than I am, so this arrangement works for us.  Usually when he calls I might mention one thing, if that, about the day I feel the need to complain about.  Not tonight.  Tonight it was "this happened, then that happened, then this happened and I. Don't. Feel. Good." (Yes, I know that I am somewhat of a whining drama queen when I am under the weather.)  His reaction was a simple "oh I am sorry honey".  Then he reminded me that he will be home Thursday night this week since he has his ride along on Saturday.  I feel better now, at least emotionally.  :)  Today for him was another quiet one.  He said he spent most of the day writing in classes.  They did not have PT today, the PT instructors had the morning off.  I am sure they will make up for it later this week.

So that is how the first day of 2013 went down.  Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.  Now I think it is time for bed. 


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