Thursday, January 31, 2013

CHP Academy Days 177-179/187

One week from tomorrow!  :)

Things at the academy are still rolling.  Classes have started and ended this week.  The graduation ceremony has been practiced.  PT has been tough.  This morning Brian and the rest of his company were late to training because of a "miscommunication".  Then after the cadets had finished wrestling around and beating each other up, two cadets were diagnosed with pink eye.  Pink eye, to me, is a lot like lice.  When someone mentions lice my head starts to itch and I get the jibblies.  When pink eye is mentioned my eyes start to itch and I get the jibblies.  So yeah, now two cadets are quarantined and all the rest of the company are watching for symptoms.  Wouldn't that be great, to have a bunch of cadets with pink eye for graduation?  The senior cadets were also given senior privileges, which means they can play pool and basket ball if they have the time.  It also means extra nights of liberty, not that there are many nights left.  Tomorrow Brian has his last day of PT! 

At home the girls have been driving me bananas!  The fighting, bickering, whining, teasing and talking back is getting old.  Not to mention, the number of times I have been woken up at night.  Night before last they took turns every hour.  It could be just me, but I swear it has been worse this week.  At least their room is cleaner than it was last week.  A did say something sweet today.  She told someone I should not have to clean up something because I already do everything for them at home.  I think it came from the talk Daddy gave her last night after dinner about her attitude.  It was nice not to be the one who was giving the talk.    

This week has been dragging!  I am happy tomorrow is Friday and Brian is coming home for the weekend.  Next week still seems far away.   One more week...  :)


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