Friday, January 25, 2013

CHP Academy Days 170-173/187, Two weeks from today!!!

Two weeks from today, God willing, I will pin Brian's badge on his uniform.  :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)  
I am 100% sure I will need water proof mascara. ;)

The last week has been crazy full at home!  Here are the highlights:
1) Parent teacher conferences:  So proud of my girls!  It always feels good when other people praise your children.  :)  Both girls are doing well!  A is moving right along and improving.  H has already completed (sometimes exceeded) the Kindergarten standards.  P/T conferences mean minimum days, and minimum days mean normal schedule is thrown out the window. 

2)  Ordered the cake for Brian's Graduation party.  Not only is it going to be delicious, but it is going to look awesome!  It is going to be decked out in CHP stuff! 

3)  We had no internet Wednesday and Thursday.  Wednesday it was an area outage so there was nothing I could do, but I did get it fixed Thursday!  It is a good thing that I can multitask since I was on hold for awhile.  The plus side of the internet outage, I got a lot of sleep Wednesday night because I got bored and there was nothing good on television.  :)

4)  Thursday was a very busy day.  M and I went to the gym, then we babysat for a friend.  Well M played, I babysat.  The children were great!  M had a blast!  Then I had the Pregnancy Center while the girls went to my mom's house.  The day ended with movie night! 

5)  Today we met my mother in law for lunch.  Then she took the girls so I could meet with H's teacher.  After the meeting I went out shopping for clothes and bought my outfit for the Graduation!

At the Academy Brian finished up his emergency medical response training.  He passed both his written and practical test. Today he got his badge number!  Very exciting!!  He ranked #6 in his class overall.  Not bad since there are 87 cadets.   He also found out that he got 99.5/100 on his Investigation for grade- the big eight hour test.  So proud of him!!  He came home tonight -yes I am ignoring him right now to write this- but he is heading back up to the academy early tomorrow.  Tomorrow is the day he gets to experience CS gas (tear gas).  Yay him! 

Well I guess I should pay attention to my awesome husband now while I have him at home.  :)


1 comment:

  1. That is just amazing that he only has two more weeks. I still think it's amazing that they train for six months, right? And, Brian, congratulations for doing so well and graduating in the top of your class....the picture of when we first met you guys keeps popping into my Can't wait to see pics of you all decked out in your uniform. Ah, I remember Luke's saga of tear gas in the Marines...have fun ;-).
