Look at the days... 150-154! Holy ravioli Batman! Almost there!!! Days 150-154 were busy days. Wednesday I spent most of the day shopping with my mom. Thursday the girls and I drove up to the foothills to visit our friends. We had great time! To top off Thursday, Brian got to come home Thursday night! This weekend was ride along weekend and the cadets were given Friday off for travel. Since Brian is going to San Jose and did not need to travel far, he just got Friday off. Of course he spent it constructively, he had an accident report to work on along with other things.
Saturday was the big day...RIDE ALONG DAY! When we first started this academy experience the ride along seemed SO far away. It was one of those things I just did not think about about because it almost seemed impossible. Now it is over and done with which is crazy! I was pretty impatience to hear from Brian all day Saturday, but I had a lot on my plate to keep me occupied. The girls, my mom, my sister, and I were going to meet Brian in San Mateo at my brother's house for our family Christmas and I still had stuff to make. When I finally got to talk to him about his experience, I could tell that he was excited. The first thing he said was: "They treated us like real people! We were not just fat nasties or hammerheads." He learned a lot about the office, he got to experience traffic stops, an accident, and a pedestrian on the freeway. Tonight he said yesterday was like he got to step out into the light at the end of the tunnel and now, going back to the academy is like going back into the tunnel. I reminded him the light is not far off and he still has things to learn that will make him a better officer. So he needs to suck it up and get his cute little tushie back in that tunnel and finish it! Of course, I said it in the most loving way. :)
I spent a lot of time this weekend reading A CHiP on My Shoulder: How to Love Your Cop with Attitude by Victoria Newman. It was recommended by some of the officer's wives. I had Brian pick it up for me at the PX and I am glad I did. Some of the topics covered, we have covered in growth groups in the past. There were things covered that Brian and I have already learned in the twelve years we have been married. There were a few topics covered that I had thought about, but had no clue how to handle them. Then there were things she covered that I had never thought about. I am glad I read the book. I found if very helpful. If nothing else, it gave Brian and myself a lot to talk about this weekend.
This week (week 23) Brian has a couple pretty big test. On Thursday he has his PMA certification. He has only two chances to pass everything. He seems pretty confident that he will pass everything and but is still going to spend a lot of time practicing this week. On Friday he has his Accident Investigation test. An eight hour test! Makes me tired just typing that! :) Again, he feels pretty confident, but I am still going to be praying like crazy.
Tomorrow the girls go back to school. I know I am going to miss them, but I am so happy to have them going back. I am not the only one who is excited, the girls cannot wait. A and H want to see their friends, and M wants to return to the center of my attention. :) Hopefully I can get us all out the door on time tomorrow! Fingers crossed!
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