Monday, January 28, 2013

CHP Academy Days 174-176/187

Hello everybody!  So Saturday Brian had the fun experience of CS gas.  He said it was like drowning while being on fire.  So I guess the moral of the story is, do not get involved in a riot, or any situation where CS gas will be used.  It will not be fun for you.  His company actually had an extra strong dose of the gas because they had a few cans that were about to expire.  The instructors and the cadets with military back ground agreed that it was worst experience they have had with CS gas.  So, yeah, it was bad.  Brian did it though and I am so proud of him.  When he came home Saturday evening, it was like he was actually home.  He was not distracted or stressed.  It was nice to have him HOME.

Saturday for the girls and myself was fun.  The girls and I went to the mall to finish my shopping.  Mission Completion!  We went into all the stores that little girls love.  A spent her own money and bought herself sunglasses, and a little bag of stuff at the Sanrio (Hello Kitty) store.  H only had a dollar to work with, so she bought herself a Hello Kitty pencil.  Made her happy!  I also spoiled my girls a little.  Everyone got new shoes!  (Trust me, they needed them!)  I also bought A and M new earrings and -since she refused earrings- H a new butterfly bracelet.  It was a nice Mommy & Daughters Day!  I was ready for a nap by the time we got home.  :)

Sunday, we got to attend church, another sign that Brian was more relaxed.  After church, Brian did our taxes and helped around the house.  I am telling you guys, he was a different cadet this weekend!  He headed back to the academy much later than usual with his hair slightly longer on top than usual.

Today, was not so great for me.  The Check Engine light came on in our main mode transportation.  (Stupid Check Engine Light!)  A very annoying and stressful situation.  So I dropped off the girls at school.  Then I drove to the gym, and while waiting for my BFF, I called and made an appointment to take the car into the shop.  It would seem like I was on top of things, like I had my stuff together, but no I totally was dropping the ball.  I totally failed today, a big fat "F"!  Here is why: at 9:30 this morning I was supposed to meet with H's speech teacher.  While I dealing with the car stuff (stupid check engine light) the appointment just got forgotten.  I remembered around 10:00.  I had that "OMG!" moment.  I did call the office and rescheduled while apologizing profusely.  I cannot believe I missed an appointment.  It is a good thing the academy is almost over, I swear I am losing my intelligence.  I.Q. is dropping.  :)  The problem with the car was the spark plugs, all of them.  Apparently they were the originals, the ones that should have been replaced before we even bought the car.  Not only the spark plugs, but the wiring around the spark plugs.  It could have been worse, but I was really hoping it was just the gas cap.  The whole day was not bad, I did get to spend some time with my BFF, both at the gym then for coffee.

Today at the academy, Brian spent most of his day in class and doing paper work.  They also had a small review on vehicle code to refresh them.  Brian said he got back his report from his report writing class.  He got a 93 on it!  They also found out that there was money left over in the cadet party fund.  (The cadets paid extra dues every month to pay for their party.)  The extra money is going towards buying each cadet a flat badge to carry in their wallets.  Plus they are also making a donation to the Officer Kenyon Youngstrom fund to help his family.  I am happy with the way they are using the extra money.

 Tomorrow I will be playing catch up.  I had a long to do list today that did not get done since I was not able to come home.  Hopefully I will have no more surprises!  Unless the surprise is good, of course.  :)  Like Starbucks being delivered to my door...or something... ;)


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